As a society today we have lost touch on what an opinion truly is. We are so quick to jump down someone's throat over their opinion is different than ours that we can't even take a second to take in what they're saying and have a decent and civil conversation. We as a society no longer know how to have a civil conversation and turn everything into an argument. There are things we do and need to fix.
Hate Being Wrong
Almost everyone hates being wrong and unfortunately, opinions can be wrong if they can be proven wrong by facts. We're so quick to make an opinion off of one thing we've read off of social media and not fact check it. News flash: not everything on the internet is true! We need to not make such big opinions on things before we know more about it from reliable sources. We make judgment on things, companies, and people so quickly because of one thing we read that we don't consider that maybe that one thing could possibly be wrong. Opinions are only wrong if they can be proven wrong by facts, otherwise there is no right or wrong with how people feel about a topic.
Strong Headed
One of the hardest things to do is to change someones mind. Sure we're allowed to have differing opinions but the point of all of us having differing opinions is being able to possible change peoples mind. If we all didn't change the opinions of others, we'd never have anyone elected as a President. This goes hand and hand with being wrong, if someone continued to be wrong it could potentially be dangerous.
Opinions ≠ Facts
So many people see an opinion of something and immediately take it as stone-cold facts. We need to get through our heads that people that we see in the media aren't always talking facts, they're talking opinions sometimes too. Us taking everything we see in the media as fact is something we need to change. We need to recognize that media people have opinions too, everyone does.
Stop The Arguing
Someone's opinion is NOT a personal attack on you. Just because they have a different opinion than yours doesn't mean they are coming and personally attacking you. We need to use this as a way to have a civil conversation. There is no need to yell and fight and possibly offend someone just because they have a differing opinion as you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on things and sure it could be offensive to how you think and you could not like them for how they think about that topic but that doesn't mean you argue with them. That's why we can be afraid sometimes to state our opinions.
We all need to learn empathy before we speak our opinion. If you know they way you think about something could upset someone. We need to put ourselves into the other person's shoes before we state our opinion. Maybe it's something that they'll see as a personal attack. If you're someone who is stating your opinion about how you feel about the LGBTQ+ community or anything political and someone in the room or even the person you're talking to is LGBTQ+ or possibly be affected by said political topic, you need to reconsider.
We need to start having conversations instead of arguments. Everyone has the right to an opinion. Stay calm, listen and let the other person know they're heard.