It already seems like forever ago, but Meryl Streep opened up a great discussion about the mixing of pop culture and politics after her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes Ceremony. You’ve most likely heard of the controversy that night on twitter, or when Tammy Lauren ranted aimlessly about it the next day. Basically, she called out President-elect, Donald Trump for mocking a disabled reporter on live television and her thoughts about the four years ahead of us.
This opened up a lot of talk about whether or not it’s a celebritie's place to interfere with politics and state their opinions. Personally, I think it’s absolutely insane that people don’t think that celebrities should open up about issues like this. In fact, I think it’s especially crucial that people with a big enough platform to reach people start standing up and speaking out for what they believe in.
Often times, the media doesn’t show the stories of celebrities actually doing good. For example, Miley Cyrus has an organization helping homeless youth, Lindsey Lohan his fighting against Islamophobia and working to help refugees, and Leonardo DiCaprio showcasing climate change all show positive changes and campaigns led by those with the ability to reach thousands of people. We barely hear about Lohan’s work or DiCaprio’s documentary because the media thinks that showcasing Kendall Jenner’s acne is more important.
I’m sick of hearing about the new Kardashian beef with Taylor Swift and instead I’d like to see them speak out about something that actually matters. It truly bugs me when celebrities or youtube stars don’t take advantage of the opportunity they are given; being able to reach so many people at once and actually make a change. They’re some of the only people on this earth that can lead a huge change and I’m so ready for people to start speaking out much like Meryl Streep did. Streep made a great point and it's one that has definitely been resonating with myself recently. She stated "When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.". Celebrities, you have the power! You have to ability to create movements and start conversations, if you're using your fame to call out others, bully, or just contribute to celebrity gossip, we all lose.