Body shaming is a very serious problem and it happens every day to almost everyone. It is not a joke and in my opinion I think it needs to stop. It is harmful and hurtful to those who are facing it. Whether they are overweight, or underweight, or even at an average weight, people find a way to make fun of them for their body shape and size.
I personally have dealt with body shaming and it is very hurtful. People talk about you constantly behind your back and in public places and sometimes it could be people you know. A lot of the things they say is truly hurtful and makes me upset and sometimes people start to hate themselves and their body. Sometimes people just try to brush it off and that often is the worst thing to do. Sometimes by doing this, things can just build up over time until they finally explode and let everything out.
The sad part about body shaming is that sometimes people have a hard time keeping weight on or losing weight, but people don’t care they still body shame you. Personally, it is harder for me to lose weight because of a thyroid problem. Having this problem is not fun at all and actually most women have some sort of thyroid problem at some time in their life. People like myself and others hate telling people that we have this problem because a lot of times they make it out to seem that you just don’t try hard enough to lose or gain weight.
Campaigns have popped up all over the world to stop body shaming and I think what they are doing is great. They are trying to get it across to people that body shaming is truly detrimental to those they are making fun of. They want body shaming to end just as much as I do and hopefully they can decrease it and stop it all together. People need to realize how harmful this can be and that sometimes people can really injure themselves over it.
Many times when people are made fun of for their weight they take it to the next level and either try to gain the weight they need or lose it. Sometimes this can become very out of hand and go seriously wrong. Sometimes if the person being made fun of if overweight, they can begin to lose all that weight and eventually they can become anorexic and right back into the same hole they were in before. People need to think before they body shame others.
Often, those who are body shaming others are being body shamed by someone else. It is like a viscous cycle that never ends. It just keeps going on and on and never ends. People are being body shamed at their weddings, in the grocery store, at the mall, and even when they are just driving in the car. It happens everywhere almost everyone does it. I know I do it and as soon as I say something I apologize because I know what I said what wrong and can seriously harm others. I know I’m not perfect and a lot of others aren’t perfect either, whether they want to believe it or not.
If we could all start thinking before we speak, maybe we could end a lot of things. If we were to start doing this, imagine how much better the world would be. Maybe it could end anorexia and being extremely overweight. If we could all just try hard enough to not make fun of the overweight mom with her kids in the store or the bride who just is too skinny in that wedding dress, then maybe just maybe we could end body shaming and make the world a better place for ourselves, our children, and even future grandchildren.