Dear God,
Though I will never have the words to thank You for all that You've done for me, I know one word that would describe You: perfect. My walk without You was not easy, nor is a walk with You, but one thing is for sure: I cannot imagine a life without You. A life committed to God is a decision I will never regret. Who has a life free of trials, pain, and suffering? Nobody. With God on my side, nothing and nobody can bring me down even in the toughest of times.
Growing up, I considered myself a Christian. I went to church, didn't read much in my bible though I did have one, and I prayed to God only when I needed Him most. If you followed me around in high school, you would see I wasn't living the life I told others I lived. I fell into sin. I had a foul mouth, I played into gossip, and I was constantly worried about what others thought of me.
When I got into college, I found God. As I sat in my freshman dorm room late one night, I thought to myself about all of the things that would get me worked up in high school. Why did I care so much about how popular I was? Why did I do things I normally wouldn't do because others thought it would be cool? None of that mattered anymore.
My freshman year in college, I searched for things to fill a hole in my heart that never seemed to become full. I was still worried about impressing others, going out to parties and feeling crummy the next day. I was filling my life with people who I thought would be my friends forever, but when I needed them most, they were nowhere to be found. One night, I had gotten a text from a girl who was a role model to me. She asked me to go to a meeting with her for an organization on my college campus. It was called Campus Outreach. It was a Christian organization where college students met up once a week to share their testimony and have a speaker share the Gospel. I decided to go, and today I know that this ministry not only shaped my life, but it has made me who I am today.
God, I can never thank You enough for the people You have brought into my life since I have been a part of this. You have surrounded me with friends who I can lean on when I need them most. I always have a person to talk to if I am having a hard time, and they hold me accountable for my actions. I am thankful for this community of brothers and sisters in Christ.
Since I gave my life to Christ, I have learned a lot, changed habits in my life that were not so good for me, and have been better at making decisions. Though I may stumble and fall sometimes, I know that I am forgiven because You sent Your son to die on the cross for my sins, something I did not deserve. You have brought me blessings of an amazing family who I adore so much, godly men and women who I spend my days in college with, and You have opened so many doors for me.
The hole in my heart that I had searched and searched for was completely full because of You. I know that no person or thing can make me as happy as You can. Without You in my life, the things that hurt me would not be possible to get through. I want to thank You for giving me so many opportunities to lead younger men and women to You and show them what it is like to carry themselves in a positive way.
God, a life without You is impossible. If everyone in this world lived by Your word and loved each other, I could not imagine how much better it would be to live on this earth. If everyone in this world believed in You, we would all have someone to lean on and someone to listen. I pray every night and day for those who do not know You and I hope that you touch their hearts. I want others to feel how happy I feel when I think of You and my relationship with Your son Jesus Christ.
I love You.
With Love,
Your Child