My sweet mother,
It feels like just yesterday that I told you of my dreams of going to college in Florida, in just the seventh grade. Even as my college acceptances starting rolling in, you supported me through every moment of it. You listened as I rambled on about the different pros and cons of each school. As I decided to attend the University of South Florida, you didn't bat an eye or question if this was the best choice for me. So from that decision on, almost a whopping six months ago, to the day you're leaving me to fend for myself in Tampa, a whole new world apart from small, close-minded Saxonburg, PA, I wanted to tell you the following:
First of all, I'm going to miss you. Yes, you read that right, I WILL miss you more than I let on, but not enough to want to come home in the slightest bit or for you to smother me with attention when/if I do see you. Don't get too excited now. I pinky promise to call or text on occasion. You're hands down the best mother I could ever ask for. It'll be hard living 1,000 miles away from such an inspiring, encouraging, supportive, and loving woman.
Secondly, I want to tell you how grateful I am for you. I appreciate you never doubting my ability to succeed and supporting all my decisions. You've pushed me to be the best version of myself and to never settle for anything less. I'd also like to thank you for giving me the mindset and skills to be independent while working towards my goals. Not to mention, you've done everything in your power to give me all I've ever dreamt of; from going to Paris, to funding all my extracurricular activities, to sending me to my dream school. With that, I know comes sacrifices on your part. Throughout the past several years, your encouragement and love have shaped me into the person leaving you today.
Also, I'd like to apologize in advance for all the worry and heartache and worry I'm about to cause you. There will be times when I don't respond to your calls and texts to make sure I'm still alive. There will be stressful days where I just want to lock myself in my room and scream into my pillow, instead of screaming into the phone at you. Please don't take my absence to heart. There will be days where I call you 14 times to make sure I'm doing my laundry right or reminding you to pay my rent or asking you to make hair appointments for me, even though I'm 19 years old and perfectly capable of doing it myself.
Lastly, you'll always be my best friend. You're there through the good and the bad days, as cliche as it sounds. Through all the tears and all the smiles, you've constantly been by my side. I can't wait to make you proud as I embark on this new journey of my education and independent chapter of my life. I know I'm proud of you and definitely proud to be your daughter. So mom, these next four years and beyond are for you! Xoxo.