Dear Dad,
First off, I think I’ll just tell you the basics: I love you and I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me. It seems so simple to say, but there just aren’t any words I am able to form that would possibly even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I quite literally wouldn’t be here without you.
There’s not a single man on this earth who loves me as much as you do, or will ever come close to it. That being said, I know I couldn’t wrap my head around the sacrifices and love you’ve poured out for me that I don’t even know about. My mother’s words echo through my head saying, “That man has done so much for you. He loves you so much.” Aside from my presence in this world, I wouldn’t be in my college, the beginning of my dreams, without you.
Now let’s be perfectly honest, you and I aren’t always skipping around in fields with happy smiles on our faces. More often than not, it’s like we’re on war grounds…. On opposite sides. I can’t think of a single person that pushes my buttons more than you, and I’m sure you just adore my snide comments and complaining while I’m home.
None of that hit me until we said our second goodbye. Two weeks just isn’t enough time.
Whatever comes out of my mouth, just know that more love dwells in my heart for you. Our battles will always end with a friendly handshake. I’ll just blame my stubbornness on Mom for now.
My prayers for you are never-ending. I always pray the best for you, your work life, your leadership in our family and your walk with God. It wasn’t until recent years that I started to attend church more often, and I love that you encouraged me in my own walk with God. Not only that, but you encouraged me and made it possible for me to go to a Christian college that will strengthen my knowledge of the Bible and what God wants for me.
As you know, for my graduation you gave me a ring. On that ring is a tiny cross, and engraved on the inside are the words, “You’ll never walk alone.” Not only do I hear those words coming from my Father in Heaven, but those words are constantly reiterated in every action you do as my worldly father. The day we said goodbye in my dorm, you took the ring off my finger, pointed to the words and said, “Just remember, you will never walk alone. I’ll always be here for you.” Ever since that moment, I haven’t gone a single day without that ring on my finger. For me, it is a symbol of everything you are to me. The cross representing the encouragement you’ve shown in my faith, and the words reflecting the loving support and helpfulness you’ve always given me.
Even when we butt heads and get on each other’s nerves, I hope these words I write sink in and let you know just how much you mean to me. I love you forever and always, Dad. See you in May.