Dear ex-boyfriend,
We were together for almost two years and had basically already planned out our future together. There were doubts about us in the beginning, but you didn’t listen to them. You assured me that I was the only one for you, and that we’d be together forever. I’ve been through several heartbreaks before and I’ve always been told, “Each heartbreak is closer to your happily ever after.” Naturally, I thought you were my happily ever after. You quickly became my best friend and we started a journey with each other that I will truly never forget. Just like any other couple, we fought, we made up, we went on dates, we got annoyed with each other, but at the end of the day our love was stronger than ever. I always told you I loved you more than the previous day, but not as much as the next day. Our age of course was a barrier as well. Being in love at such a young age, sometimes you find “the one” too early in life and things don’t work out because of it. If it had met you five years from now instead, I don’t think we would’ve broken up, but I can’t predict the future, I don’t know what would have happened. What I do know, is that I never expected this to happen, not now, not 10 years from now.
Although you broke my heart, leaving me completely speechless, I want to say, thank you. Thank you for an incredible two years together. Thank you for allowing me to come out of my shell. Thank you for loving my family as much as they loved you. Thank you for hugging me tight as I cried in your arms during anxiety attacks. Thank you for helping me through my struggle of self harm. Thank you for being my reason to smile every day and my reason to laugh as well. Thank you for helping me through my senior year of high school, and watching me walk across that stage to get that diploma, because we both know, I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for the memories that I will continue to cherish. Thank you for going on vacations with my family. Thank you for being a role model for my younger brother who worships the ground you walk on, oh and thanks for letting him beat you every once in a while at the PS4. Thank you for taking endless selfies with me, even when you were getting annoyed. But, most importantly, thank you for loving me and teaching me how to love others and myself again.
We may not be together anymore but the love I have for you will not deteriorate anytime soon. You will always have a special place in my heart, and nothing will ever change that. You say you did this for you, and I truly hope you find happiness in this. Of course I’m disappointed, of course I’m sad, heartbroken, and confused, but I will never stop worrying and caring about you and all you have done for me and my family over this two year span. I give you all of the credit in the world for being able to put up with me, and I’m sorry things didn’t work out.
I wish you all the best in life, and all the happiness and love that you deserve!
Thank you,