Every one of us has something we hold on to in our heart that impacts the way we live our lives. That one thing that has built our character. We live in a culture where it's expected that we hold in these thoughts and feelings that are holding us back from being freed, otherwise we will be a burden to those around us.
What if instead of holding in these things, we all began to tell others the things we hold within us that make each one of us unique?
Have you ever had someone open up to you and then afterwards they apologize for telling you because they felt like a burden? I think we've all experienced this when someone has opened up to us or when we have opened up to someone around us.
But, I think the thing we are missing here is that when someone opens up to us, it's actually an honor. A privilege. It shows mutual trust and gives you a little piece of that person you can now share with them.
What more could we want than to be able to share in the joys and weaknesses of those around us?
The only way we can truly enter into one another's lives is by reaching into the depths of our souls and sharing those parts of us with those around us.
So, what if we changed our entire perspective about opening up to our loved ones and friends surrounding us? This doesn't mean opening up to everyone around us, but instead, becoming unafraid of opening up to someone about what makes you, you. And what makes you the unique, beautiful individual being you are.
For it is by sharing our lives with those around us that we begin to develop a community, a shared world, and an honoring felt by those who can begin to share in the true joys and sufferings of their neighbor.