Opening night for Frozen The Musical | The Odyssey Online
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Opening night for Frozen The Musical

So much going on during the opening night

Opening night for Frozen The Musical
Franky The Shorty

So I had the privilege to see the Disney's newest Broadway show, "Frozen The Musical" on opening night, August 17th, 2017.

The Denver Center for Performing arts is a beautiful place to be at. Denver had very crisp and warm weather, with little to no humidity and the heat wasn't anything over the upper 80's. It's very close to Denver's infamous road of malls, called 16th Street malls. It's a walkway full of stores, and restaurants and street performers. It has "free mall shuttles" that stops at every block literally every 5 minutes or so. You won't ever have to worry about catching a shuttle since it's super convenient.

Also, it is very close to Union Station, which is their main hub for their trains and buses. The cost to take the train from union station to Denver's International Airpot is only 9$ so very cheap compared to a taxi or lyft/uber that can cost upwards to 50$ for one way. I literally just flew on the day of opening night. My ticket was 75$ for Orchestra Center Row S Seat 22. I bought the ticket back in February 2017, when they had pre-order for the pre-debut showings.

They did do a small bag check then they scan your ticket before you actually pass the check point to get into the lines for the merchandise and rest of the lobby. After they scan your ticket and check your bag, you have free reign over the lobby. If you have wanted to leave, you would have to go back through the same line again to get back inside.

They were serving alcoholic drinks, with frozen themed names, can't remember them all though. They were also serving snacks, like flavored popcorn and candy for the kids.

The line for the merchandise was pretty long. Glad I was able to snag a couple of merchandise before the show. I grabbed the Frozen hat, and a blue ringer t-shirt. Other merchandise they had was a zipped up jacket, a women's Frozen T-shirt and a blue/white baseball inspired Shirt, as well as the green shirt that had a license plate inspired shirt that says "FRZN 5280." They also had a mug, tote bag, post cards, magnet and a keychain. (pictures below)

The shirts when I went was like $40, the jacket was $55 (now its $60), the tote bag was around $10-15, the magnet and keychains were also around $10-15, and they also had an option where you can pre-order the cast recording of the musical for $25 (which I forgot to do and totally regret not doing.)

All around me you can see families of all ages waiting in anticipation of getting inside the actual theater. We weren't allowed to go inside the actual theater, maybe until 15 - 20 minutes before show time. We were all allowed in the lobby about an hour before the show started. It was a lobby full of adults and kids alike, dressed up, either in fancy clothes or costumes. I saw a lot of people who were Disney bounding. It was just like being at the Disney parks again, see everyone's face light up in anticipation for Disney's newest Musical.

Next article I will articulate my actual thoughts of the actual production of the Musical.

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