Shootings. Mass murders.
This is what our world has come to.
We claim to be the Land of the Free, but that’s no longer true.
Our minds are brainwashed, completely polluted
49 people killed, 53 wounded.
How do we live in a world with so much hate,
Where we educate each other to discriminate,
Judging our neighbors because of the color of their skin,
Or even the god they believe in.
Saying it’s a sin to be attracted to the same sex,
Calling them diseased and giving them no respect.
Our world has come to a time
Where people applaud the Orlando shooter for his crime.
Saying “At least it was just gays this time and not innocent people”
When they’re just as innocent--they’re all equal.
Walking the streets of the states these days,
It doesn’t feel real,
It leaves you in a haze.
All the discrimination, the murders are brutal.
We walk among shallow people,
In schools, malls, and clubs carrying lethals
People willing to take another’s life,
Not caring if they have kids or a wife.
You’ve committed just as much crime as the shooter,
Walking around supporting him for taking away peoples futures.
49 children. 49 siblings. 49 friends. 49 lovers.
All buried by their loved ones,
Because of their sexuality.
For all you know, they had a great personality.
Leaving their families in agony
After this great tragedy.
All the hatred, It makes me wonder,
How would you feel
If that were your friends buried six feet under.
Stop the hate.
Stop the discrimination.
Stop being so damn shallow.
Swallow your “pride” and #PrayForOrlando