Dear Women For Trump,
The slogan “women for trump” has seemed to have taken over social media. I’ve seen pictures with shirts that say it and even bumper stickers. As a woman this highly accepts me. Where did one’s self respect go? Donald Trump is a man who flat out disrespects the female sex.
He’s made so many sexist and outrageous comments that I find it hard to believe that any women would support him – at all. He literally said “grab them by the pussy” and then added “You can do anything” to his statement. He degrades the female sex so much yet he still has female supporters. Why? I can’t seem to find a legitimate answer to this. We as a sex have struggled so hard to get to where we are today. Our ancestors fought so that we could not only have the same opportunities as the male sex but the same respect. How can we expect to be respected when we don’t respect ourselves? Generations of women fought so hard so we could have the vote for suffrage why waste that right on someone who doesn’t see you as anything more than a sexual object.
Now I’m not saying that Hillary is the best option but at least she isn’t a sexist ignorant man. I don’t like her at all but I’d rather have her then someone who belittles my entire sex just because he feels superior. What really bugs me is that the quote mentioned previously is basically Trump telling males that it’s okay to sexually assault women – to touch them even if they don’t want to be touched. NO THAT IS NOT OK AT ALL. Women are humans too we are not sexual objects or property.
Along with sexist Trump is racist and prejudice not only to immigrants but to the LGBTQA+ community. He plans to overrule the legalization of same sex marriage – to take away rights that were just gained. Sure, I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion if you don’t believe in same sex marriage that’s a personal problem. Who are we to tell people how to live their lives?
We’re all human we all bleed the same so why does one’s sexual orientation, skin color, birthplace, or sex make it okay to treat them any different? The answer is that it doesn’t. So to “women for trump” I truly feel sorry for you. I believe you need to reconsider your choice and learn to put yourself and your sex first. Honestly, how can you vote for someone who has little to no respect for you at all? I assure you that I cannot.
A concerned Woman