We have all seen those cute "OPEN WHEN" letters that girls create for their significant others. I have, admittedly, never written one of these; although, after scrolling through Pinterest looking for a cute craft to do for my boyfriend, I started thinking about what I would write if I ever did decide to do something like this...
*theoretically, in an envelope titled: OPEN WHEN WE ARE HAVING RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS*
I am a fighter. I work so hard for everything I have. I strive to be the best person I can be, while pushing those in my life to lead the best lives they can lead. I have never had anything handed to me. I am loyal, I am honest, and I am forgiving.
I am an optimist. I always see the best in people, even if they don't see anything good left in themselves. I expect the most out of everyone around me. I believe that nobody is perfect. I get annoyed easily, and I get angry at the littlest of things. I am needy, I am short-tempered, and I am a handful.
I have come to realize that relationships aren't what you see in the Disney movies. Life isn't filled with talking animals that will help us fix all of our problems, no matter how good we are at singing. We will fight, argue, and disagree, but at the end of the night I will find myself wrapped in your arms, even if only in my mind. I will wake up to your beautiful eyes and your sleepy smile. I will hear your muffled "good morning" as you encase yourself beneath the sheets and return to your deep sleep (because although we both find ourselves awake at 5am, we've always agreed that 5am is just way too early to begin the day).
Every part of my being says that we are meant to be together. I may be upset with you now, or vice-versa, but I want this. I know that if I am with you, I can accomplish anything. I know you will push me to be the best person I can be, and I would do the same for you.
You're my other half, and sometimes my better one.
I may still find myself affected by past encounters with past relationships, but I am willing to work past any and everything to be with you. I'm not sure what the sitatuon is that caused you to find yourself reading this letter, but I do know how hard we have both worked to be where we are now. I will not give up on us because of a minor setback.
I cannot promise you perfection, but I can promise you a lifetime of never-ending happiness.
I love you always,