Stuck on what to get the person you love the most?
And, well, let's be honest, is hard to shop for? Well then, why not send them some Open When Letters?
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Sending Open When Letters is a sweet gesture that shows great affection and familiarity to your loved one especially when you are in a long-distance relationship. Plus it is super easy and affordable!
Here are just a few ideas to help get you started.Open When Rules/ Open First
This letter is not only a good place to put the rules, but it is also a good place to explain what the open letters are and how to go about them.
Of course, there are rules... Why wouldn't there be? As a result, the following are basic rules of open when letters:
- No Peeking
- Open When The Letter Applies
- Don't open more than one letter a week (You decide)
- Don't read the letters with your friends.
- Don't lose the letters, bring them back with you.
1. Open when... you're happy/sad
Let your loved one know how glad you are to know that he/she is happy and how you are willing to do anything to keep him/her happy.
Remind your loved one that this too shall pass. You can remind them of something that will surely put a smile on their face.
2. Open when... You miss me
Tell them that you feel the same and can't wait to see them again.
3. Open when... I can't be with you
Let them know that you love them and will see them as soon as you can. Maybe include a few pics of the two of you together (or by yourself) of when you were together to help ease the sadness of not being with each other.
4. Open when... you need a hug/kiss
put together an envelope full of pics of you and little kisses (chocolate or ones you made yourself with lipstick).
5. Open when... you're stressed
Tell your special someone how sorry you are he/she is undergoing so much stress at that moment. Add in a square bubble wrap and a little stress ball for immediate stress relief!
6. Open when... you want to laugh
Include a few jokes and maybe some silly faces.
7. Open when... you've had a good/bad day
Let them know that you are glad they had a good day and tell them you hope that they continue to do so. If they had a had a bad day, remind them that bad days are often followed by good ones.
8. Open when... you want to know all of the reasons why I love you
List those reasons and write a heartfelt letter, maybe include a few pictures of the two of you in love.
9. Open when... you need to be showered with my love
Tell them how much you love them and then add some hearts.
10. Open when... I'm being difficult
Let them know that you're sorry for being difficult and that while it may not seem like it right now, the best thing they can do is love you no matter what.
11. Open when... you receive good/bad news
Let them know that you're so happy that they had good news. For bad news, let them know that everything will be ok no matter what
12. Open when... you feel discouraged
Encourage them and let them know that the feeling doesn't last forever.
13. Open when... you need motivation
Give them a sweet reminder of what they are working towards, show them that their goals are important and when they reach them, it will all be worth it.
14. Open when... you're fave sports team wins/looses
For the die hard sports fan, a letter of encouragement if their team looses and a letter of joy/celebration if their team wins. Let them know that you're there fot them through it all (especially if you're not much of a sports fan yourself).
15. Open when... you feel like giving up on us
Remind him/her about all the trials and challenges that you both overcame in the relationship. Include a sweet picture of the two of you taken from the last time you saw each other or had a date.
16. Open when... you can't sleep
Maybe put some pictures of sheep with numbers on them and write a short letter telling your SO to count them and that by doing so, they'll surly be asleep in no time.
17. Open when... it's your/my birthday
A little more than a Happy Birthday letter, it lets them know you're thinking about them.
18. Open when... it's our anniversary
Tell him/her happy anniversary and how much the day means to you. A long, heartfelt letter commemorating your relationship is a must. If you feel like stepping up your game you could even include a promise ring to remind him/her of your love and loyalty.
19. Open when... it's (insert name of holiday here)
Christmas, V-day, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. This way they have a letter to open each holiday.
20. Open when... you are sick
Put together a first aid kit that includes cough drops, vapor rubs, and a sweet "Get Well Soon" note.
21. Open when... you want to see pictures of me/us
Put tons of pics of the two of you (or of just yourself) in an envelope with a love note.
22. Open when... we are fighting/had a fight
Tell them that you are sorry y'all fought and let him know of ways you can make it up to him/ he can make it up to you.
This would also be a perfect letter to remind you and your loved one how much you love each other and that every fight should have a resolution, in the end, to make your relationship stronger.
23. Open when... you want to take a walk down memory lane
Take out maps and mark out places that are special to you. With little notes, add a description of what happened at that place and when. You can also make them a slideshow showing photos of you guys from then and now.
24. Open when... you're bored
Make your loved one a mini scavenger hunt by making him/her figure out puzzles and clues around your home or apartment. You could also put in a few paper games such as a word search or word puzzle.
25. Open when... you are not feeling appreciated
Let him/her know how much you appreciate him/her. Include a crown to let him/her know that he/she is your king or queen.