Protecting the heart is paramount. Proverbs 4:23 teaches us to guard our hearts above all else for the heart is the “wellspring of life.”
From the heart flows what is stored inside, for a tree is known by its fruit.
The root of sin stems from the heart. Jeremiah said that “the heart is deceitful and desperately sick.” (17:9)
The world’s problems do not stem from our decisions or our division, but from our hearts. The Church’s problems do not stem from our laws or our leaders, but from our hearts.
To see change in the world, we must start from within ourselves. To see revival in the Church, we must begin on a personal level. Awakening begins from within.
What is the cure to soften our hearts of stone? Jesus.
God made a promise in Ezekiel to, “remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh…” (11:19)
The Bible is alive and powerful, but until the Truth resonates on a personal level, it is mere words on a page. Though its words may sink into our minds, we are unchanged people until they seep into our hearts.
To know Him is to undergo true heart change by the Holy Spirit. Without the working of the Holy Spirit, a change of heart is impossible.Being a Christian is an ever-present process of molding our hearts to become more like His.
If we stifle Him from our hearts, we become people without purpose or passion. A loveless life is not a reflection of Jesus.
The center of Jesus’ message was allowing the Law to transform into love. Jesus said that the commands to love God and to love our neighbor sums up the entire Law and Prophets. These love-based actions begin from within the heart. In order to love as Jesus loved and to live as Jesus lived, He must first take residence within our hearts.
Michael W. Smith penned these words:
“Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see You.”
May these words be our heart's desire as we pursue Him.
May we never be complacent or comfortable. May we never be stagnant or unmoving. But may we ever be in the pursuit of Him.
Open the eyes of my heart to Your Word. Your Will. Your People. Your World. But most of all, open the eyes of my heart that I may see You and know You more.