A Huge Thank You To The Friends Who Make College The Best 4 Years | The Odyssey Online
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A Huge Thank You To The Friends Who Make College The Best 4 Years

A day without you feels like a whole month.

A Huge Thank You To The Friends Who Make College The Best 4 Years
The Odyssey

To my college best friend,

Coming to Syracuse University, I am most grateful for people like you. Without you, I would not have the same love for my school.

Of course, I have some of the most genuine friends from my hometown. That bond, however, was created over the span of many, many years. It bewilders me that I have formed the same bond with you at Syracuse in about a year and a half, unlike the numerous years for others.

It's honestly surprising, shocking, and baffling to go back to a time when I did not know you. It was only a year and a half ago, but somehow, you make up most of my life. I have been able to come to college and find people like you who fit me like a puzzle.

Thank you for the craziest nights out, but also the nights where we stay in watching movies and binge eating chips and queso.

Thanks for making me laugh until my stomach aches in the dining hall hacking up dry chicken.

Thanks for singing with me on the top of our lungs driving for hours on end.

Thanks for chatting and gossiping with me until the wee hours of the morning, instead of studying.

Thanks for making goofy videos taste testing the weirdest foods which I look back on and laugh until I cry.

A day without you feels like a whole month. You, my best friend, are my family at school and make every day a little brighter.

So thank you for making my life at Syracuse amazing. You have accepted me and allowed me to grow and develop while away at college. You have seen me at my worst when I am a zombie walking around after an all-nighter, but you have also seen me at my best when I am crazy and silly.

You are the absolute best!


Your college best friend.

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