Whether you're taking three or 10 classes, you're stressed about midterms. It's the inevitable fate of the college student, and it eventually comes around once a semester. So far, you've done an amazing job juggling all your classes, and you've learned so much.
When it comes to midterm exams, the most important thing to do is your best. If you're doing your very best, then you are already succeeding. What more could you do? Now, doing your best does not mean losing yourself in the process of focusing on your studies. Don't get me wrong, though, every year at your university of choice is a year that you've earned through all the hard work you do to be there. This obviously means that your GPA matters. However, it's easy to try studying hard and remaining focused but to instead end up isolating yourself in unhealthy ways. It's more than important to take time to reset in order to allow your body and mind to reset, and retain more knowledge. If you're not taking this time, you're not helping yourself succeed.
Midterms are about so much more than grades. They're a checkpoint to better yourself as a student and learn more about how to manage obstacles. Unfortunately, a common misconception from students is that you must work constantly and tirelessly in order to succeed when in reality the opposite is the truth. Midterms are a fantastic way to better yourself as a student, manage time and stress more efficiently, and gain more knowledge in the classes you're taking. This makes focusing on mindfulness during this time even more important.
Make sure you plan time to relax. This is extremely important. This includes eight hours of sleep per night, as well as designated relaxation time between studying throughout your day. Your relaxation time should suit your individual personality best in order to fulfill its purpose of helping your brain regroup from all the knowledge it's retaining. If exercise helps you relax, take a walk or head to the gym. If you prefer to study alone, maybe you'd like to take time to meet a friend for lunch. If you plan time to relax, you're less likely to feel as though your constantly studying, but can't remember any more information you need to know.
Are you a morning person, or does your brain work best at night? Ask yourself this, then try tweaking your study schedule in order to guarantee that you'll be more likely to retain the information you need. Maybe you're more likely to benefit from flash cards in the morning, and at night you're more likely to complete a well-written essay. Keep in mind that your friends' study schedules may not line up with yours, and that's OK. Your friend might work best in the library at night, while you can only focus in the morning, or alone. Everybody learns differently. Take each of these considerations into account while carrying out mindfulness in planning.
Don't forget that your midterm exams and assignments are only temporary demands. Soon the stress of time and pressure to succeed will pass, and you'll feel back to normal. If you staying mindful now, you're already a well-rounded champion of the semester.