Reading the newest Black Lives Matter platform, I was extremely disappointed to hear what a group that supposedly stands for social justice had to say about the state of Israel. I am all for social justice, but I cannot support their newest platform.
Black Lives Matter is calling Israel an “apartheid” state and is in support of BDS, the movement that aims to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel - and is entirely built off of hatred.
I believe in freedom and justice. This summer, I lived in Israel for the sixth time in my life, where I have seen both sides of the conflict. I do not support everything that Israel does and have seen the negatives of this country. But I do see what Israel is doing for peace.
I believe in equal rights of all people. I don’t care what sex, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation you are - we are all human beings and I support all humans being treated the same. However, I have to disagree with any article or platform that spews hatred at an entire country.
I see my friends and family in Israel working on peace coalitions, working to bring both sides together. Just recently my Israeli friend went into Ramallah with a sign saying “I’m a Jew and I love you, if you love me back give me a hug,” after his Muslim friend went into the center of Tel Aviv a few days prior with a banner stating, “I am a Muslim and I love you, if you love me back give me a hug.” The attention to this event was extremely positive. People of all backgrounds approached these two to show their love and support, despite their political views. This is the Israel that I see.
This past winter break, I visited the Peres Peace Center, a non-political organization based on the vision of Shimon Peres to create peace in the middle east. This center works to create a tolerance between Palestinians and Israelis through business, agriculture, health care, arts, medicine, technology, sports, and more. The mission is to bring both sides to work hand in hand, despite their religious background - because we are all ONE people.
I would like to support any progressive, pro-peace group, but cannot support a group that is targeting one country. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr stated in the Rabbinical Assembly in 1968, “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.” He was the leader in the American Civil Rights Movement and was a close ally to the Jews. I would assume his message would continue today.
This is not to mean that to criticize Israel is inherently anti-Semitic, but anti-Semitism heavily fuels anti-Zionism, which is something a human rights organization like Black Lives Matter needs to be cautious of.
I would like to build coalitions between groups, but how can we have peace when one group is directly bashing another? Israel’s projects are aiming for peace, but the Black Lives Matter words of hatred and boycott towards this country will only further us away from a solution.