Dear God,
I know that you are so mighty, and above all. I know to trust you with everything I have, and to love you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I thank you for a blessing of furthering my education when I know it did not have to be done. I thank you for all of the doors you have opened, and doors you have closed. I thank you for a new year, and a new semester. I thank you for an amazing roommate and perfect loving parents. I thank you for a caring boyfriend and a great pool of new friends. I thank you for future security and guidance.
As this new semester brews in, I pray that everyone has a motivating and productive first week. I pray for organization and calm nerves. I pray for guidance for myself and others that I know, and for the students I will never meet. I pray for boosted GPAs, boosted self-esteems and boosted career opportunity. I pray for goals to be met, and successful lives.
I pray people become more open minded and accepting. I hope that your love floods the Earth. I hope that you bless each student abundantly. I pray for safety on campus, and for safety on a national scale. Your power should be shown to the world because we need you so much right now. I know not everyone believes in your power, but I pray that if they refuse it, they still know a love like yours. I know you still love them, and I will too.
I pray for the men and women who cannot see their family because they are overseas. I pray for students who worry about their parents, brother, sisters, cousins, and friends who are fighting while they are in school.
I pray that each person on this campus has an amazing semester, that they meet their academic goals, and that this semester is done at your will.
In your name we pray,