The land of the free the home of the brave,
Built upon the foundation of dreams and opportunity
With the bare hands of our ancestors
Who fled hunger, war, and persecution
Living with open minds,
Welcomed with open arms,
Arriving with open hearts
She is a melting pot of sorts
Shared and harmonious living
Taking on the traditions of other cultures
Not to be mistaken for her own
She wasn’t our land to begin with
Stolen from the indigenous
But came together in Thanksgiving
With open minds, open arms, and open hearts
From thirteen to fifty
Broad stripes and stars that wave so gallantly
Justice, purity, and valour fly
And we pledge our allegiance to this country
The United States, not to be divided
And when faced with adversity,
From sea to shining sea is filled with
Open minds, open arms, and open hearts
A country struck with courage in times of war
Patriotic anthems play as a reminder of
The freedoms that are fought for
To exercise our rights and live with free will
Saluting those who answer the call of duty
Signing over their lives for those of others
For the freedom to live with
Open minds, with open arms, and with open hearts
Leaders take the podium to continue what our forefathers began
Promising change to make the nation stronger and greater
We practice patients with our brothers and sisters
And spread hope in times of fear
That liberty and justice for all will soon be fulfilled
Though beliefs are widespread and diverse
We welcome ideas
With open minds, open arms, and open hearts
America the beautiful preaches goodness under God
That all should be treated with love
A nation fragile to hate, but protected by the strength
Of those who speak up for the one who cannot
So we take to the streets and veer to our art
To start movements
That open our minds, open our arms, and open our hearts
Our country is not a hypocrite and neither should its citizens be
We do not stand to lie and hate but stand to let freedom ring
We stand to embrace diversity and are a nation of understanding
America practice what you preach
Remember love is all we need,
Count your blessings and thank your lucky stars,
Come together in acceptance, and
Open your mind, open your arms, and open your heart