An Open Letter to my Roommates,
Have I told you lately that I love you? (I couldn't resist, sorry). Obviously, yes. I have. Like five minutes before I started writing this, I definitely told you guys I love you. I definitely will tell you again before I'm finished writing this. In fact, I'm currently sitting on the couch, drinking filled-to-the-brim-so-we-don't-have-to-get-up-too-soon glasses of wine with Emilea, wondering where Pete is. There is so much I appreciate about you both, and I simply don't know where I'd be without either of you guys.
There is just so much I want to say, "thank you" for, but where do I begin? There is so much to be thankful for with the two of you.
Thank you for always letting me walk around without my pants on and not being phased (this is especially for you, Pete. I mean maybe you are phased, but thanks for not making it obvious). Thank you for understanding when I come home from a long day and all I do is voice how badly pajamas need to happen and jeans don't and how I proceed to change in the living room.
Thank you for listening to me complain for hours about how much I am drowning in work. This will absolutely never stop, so I really appreciate the head nodding, the positive words, the encouragement and the frequent "you need a break"s.
Thank you for those random nights where we all party in our living room with our closest friends (us and our, like, three other friends) and all just vibe so hard. I live for those nights.
Thank you for a few Sundays ago, when we laid in my bed in our pajamas until way past when was appropriate and had mimosas and banana pancakes and laughed with each other. That was one of my favorite days in a while.
Thank you for never judging me, not that either of you really can because you're just as bad as I am, but still. It means a lot that I can come to you as me, with all of me, and you still look at me the same way (at least I hope so--if not, keep lying to me).
Thank you for random happy hours/dinners, whether at home or somewhere else. Emilea, thank you for our endless zucchini-involved dinners. I'm sure drowning them in soy sauce entirely decimated their nutritional value, but I regret nothing.
Thank you for all of the things that I can't say because they are surely not appropriate for readers/the internet.
You guys are two of my favorite people on earth, and I am so grateful I get to come home to you people and not other weirdos. You're my weirdos, and it rules.
So so so much love. Always,