I can only imagine the feeling. The feeling of absolute power and control. Your eyes light up as an idea fills your obviously large brain. You quickly reach for your phone, pleading that this thought stays sitting in your head long enough for your thumbs to fly over your screen. You frantically push the letters until you have reached that damn 140 character maximum. Finally, you hit tweet and stare down at your work like Regina George looked at her own page in the Burn Book. A low chuckle resonates from the back of your throat because you, yes, you just tweeted about how much Odyssey sucks.
I imagine you have at least a middle school education, therefore, I feel like I can assume you have been taught the basic societal norms as to how to treat people. You know, "treat others how you want to be treated","what you say about someone defines you, not them," and my personal favorite, "don't put others down to make yourself feel better." Now, obviously you are above all of these concepts, but I want to explain why.
"Treat others how you want to be treated"
I can hear your scoff from here. Who are you to follow rules society has placed on you? You are a god among us mere mortals. How you treat others is how they deserve to be treated. Never-mind the fact that Odyssey writers are just college students trying to create a platform for their future. Never-mind the fact that writing is a passion. These stupid Odyssey writers deserve to be treated like dirt for how often their articles plague your timeline and newsfeed. I understand you need that space for pictures of animals and half-naked gifs.
"What you say about someone defines you, not them"
Yeah, I rolled my eyes at this one too. You are the sole judge and jury for practically the entire universe. I mean, really, we are all on the edge of our chairs just waiting for your opinion on each and every article. Some might call you ignorant, judgmental and petty, but not me! In fact, when you comment on my article,"This is so stupid and written bad," I immediately remove it. I don't even bother trying to correct your English either because I respect your opinion as a completely third party outsider with no more than a few English classes and maybe comp to back up your analysis.
"Don't put others down to make yourself feel better"
I know, how cliché right? You are obviously so secure in yourself that you can completely disregard anyone else's feelings or ideas. I am actually really jealous of the fact that you don't have a passion that allows you to create new ideas and share these to a massive population (32 million in the past month and continuing to grow a million each month). I can only imagine how productive and fulfilling your days must be, spent on Facebook commenting on articles written by us.
I just want to thank you, Odyssey hater. Although I am constantly blown away by how ingenious all of your disses are, I am more thankful that you are reading my work. Even though you claim to hate it, you are helping me, and thousands of other millennials, spread our opinions and voices all across the nation.