Dear self,
First and foremost, out of context, let me reassure you that you’ve got this.
This semester has been awesome—stressful, congested and at times overwhelming, but still awesome.
As classes are winding down, it’s relieving to think about the warm summer days ahead, but before the relaxation can commence, finals have to first conclude. This implies that finals have to first start, which they will sooner than you think.
Now, don’t freak out. Don’t panic. And most importantly, don't discourage yourself.
Let me remind you again: you’ve got this.
All semester you’ve been drowning yourself in hours of studying, notecards, essays and practice exams. Not to mention guzzling down unhealthy amounts of caffeine, pizza and late night ice cream, all while running on extreme levels of sleep deprivation.
As torturous as it may be to look back on these events, what can be taken away from it (that isn’t dwelling on the Freshmen 15) is all the hard work you’ve put into these classes of yours. With that being said, finals shouldn't scare you; they shouldn't be the fuel of your nightmares and anxieties every night.
What finals are is a way for you to brag about how much you’ve learned. That test packet is essentially your blank canvas, giving you the opportunity to decorate it with all the knowledge you took the time to learn.
While reading this, your mind is undoubtedly wandering to that one class that you didn't exactly work so hard in…perhaps that 8 a.m. discussion that you missed more days than not. This is not a reason to freak, either. Really.
Sure, you should be more concerned about this final, but you absolutely should not lose hope. All this means is that you need to devote more time to studying this particular subject, not throwing in the towel altogether.
So, if you look at the converse statement, this implies that you know plenty about every other subject, which should bring you some encouragement!
As you head into preparation mode, remember these small bits of knowledge
Take time for yourself.
Overstudying can be just as bad as understudying. Remember to keep a healthy mental, physical and maybe even spiritual balance to keep a cool head.
Worrying won’t change the outcome.
Don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will have enough worries of its own. Stressing and letting anxiety have its hand over you won’t help things whatsoever—I believe you can remember this from the last time, and the time before that.
This is probably the first thing people forget. No matter what happens, appreciate your breath.
Life goes on. Keep your head up.
After the exam, maybe you don't think you did so hot. Maybe there were some curve balls you didn't expect, or you had one too many brain farts than you anticipated. Take comfort in the fact that it this doesn’t mean that the world is going to end.In case you missed it the first two times, I’ll say it again: you’ve got this.
Now go kill it.