To a younger version of myself:
There’s so much I could tell you right now. If I had the opportunity to go back, there are many things I would do differently. There are so many people I would have treated differently. And, there are so many more opportunities that I would have taken. Sometimes, I wish I had the chance to have a “do-over” with my teenage years. Now, I’m in my twenties, and I’ve realized so much about myself and the mistakes I made when I was younger.
Beware of Bad Friends
Some people you may trust may actually be the worst people for you. These friends might have the best plans, or be good friends with all the boys. They may live close, or constantly ask you to hangout. But, sometimes it’s better to let a bad friend go; rather than stick around until it blows up in your face. You will encounter your fair share of bad friends. College will show you exactly who you can and cannot count on in life. Be able to tell the difference between good and bad friends, and get rid of those people who bring you down and bring out the worst in you.
Know How to Spot Good Friends
Some of those super sweet people that you never seem to have the time for, will one day turn out to be your best friends. Some of them might even turn out to be the people you wish you had become friends with. Once you take the time to get to know them, you won’t regret it. It’s better to give everyone a chance, especially those that are loyal and fun to be around.
Don’t Worry About Boys
Some boys may seem so important at the moment. They aren’t. In fact, in a few months or years, you’ll hardly remember their names or anything about them. Don’t waste time crying or thinking about them. If you aren’t with them, there’s a good reason for that. They aren’t wasting their time on you; so don’t waste any of yours on them. One day, the boy of your dreams will come along and make you feel loved, and help you become the best version of yourself. You don’t need to chase after someone who doesn't see your value because there’s someone out there that will appreciate everything about you,
Value Time with Family
Your mom probably bothers you constantly to leave your room and hang out with the rest of your family every once in awhile… well, she’s right. Why waste your days alone, when you can spend it with people who genuinely love and care for you. Once you go away to college, you won’t be able to spend as much time with them, and you’ll begin to regret all the times you rejected their offers to spend time together. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
Build a Positive Body Image
Stop hating yourself. Stop feeling embarrassed while eating in front of others. Stop feeling self-conscious about your body. Be proud. Be happy that you are healthy and beautiful. There are so many good things to focus on, yet you focus on the negative. Societies definition of beautiful does not have to be your definition of beautiful. The size of your waist does not determine the beauty you behold. Everyone is beautiful in his or her own way… and that includes you. Don’t let anyone’s negative comments cloud your vision of yourself.