Dear Thing 2,
You’ve got big decisions coming up, and I know how much you hate making those. This isn’t the kind of decision that you can just flip a coin on, either. This is a decision that will shape the next four years of your life, and no one else can make this for you. But next year, after you do make your decision, please take some of the life lessons I learned my freshman year into consideration.
1. Stay In When You Can
You’re still growing up and you have plenty of time to be social. There’s not a lot of time that you’ll get to yourself, especially when you do graduate and get married and what not. Treasure it. Take naps.
2. It's Ok to Go It Alone Sometimes
I don’t understand why people feel the need to do everything in groups. Seeing a movie or going shopping by yourself isn’t a weakness. You’ve got stuff to do. Own it.
3. Still, Leave Room For Others
It’s not completely crazy to need people, either. Take time out to be a social butterfly. Friends will be there if/when family can’t, so you just might find yourself in a situation where you need something like that.
4. Care
For some reason, there’s a huge stigma against people that care about things like the way people treat others. Don’t mold yourself into someone that doesn’t care. You have a big heart and caring allows people to see inside of that. You’re not a cold person, so don’t act like one.
5. Surround Yourself With Passionate, Empowered People
Some of my closest friends have such an incredible passion for the things they care most about. This is an attractive quality in a person, don’t let that drive scare you. Passion isn’t just a word people paint on home décor pieces; it’s real. Don’t let that intimidate you.
6. Stay Up Late
Some of the best conversations you will ever have with someone will take place at 1 in the morning, probably in some sort of car or laying down flat on the floor of an empty apartment. The people that partake in these conversations are also the people that will more than likely be in your life forever.
7. Pick Up The Pieces for Someone Else
You’re the protagonist in the story of your life, but that’s not how it is for everyone. Unfortunately, people around you will hurt and helping people heal will heal yourself in some ways too.
If you take away one thing from this article, take away this: don’t ever let anyone make you feel like anything less than you are. You could dominate the world one day (in a not-terrifying way), so anyone that may make you feel like that’s something you can’t do has no place in your life. So, as your older sister, I’m begging you: print this list and hold onto it. Read it, reread it. Fold it up, use it as a bookmark. When you find yourself in situations that are relatable to this, unfold it and take another look. Sometimes when you find yourself needing advice, it’s easiest just to look within.