OK, so I am by no means a workout expert. Heck, you wouldn't have even caught me dead in a gym before 2016. And if you are like pre-gym me then:
1. You are so out of shape that any workout is a tough one.
2. Your schedule is so busy that making time for anything else is just a hassle.
3. Sweating means whatever "look" you had going that day is completely irredeemable until the next shower.
4. Food that's bad for you is just so good.
I am not saying that I have grown out of all that, but now that I have begun to turn that new leaf I am finding new ways to motivate and encourage myself to make some changes in my daily routine. Think about the benefits:
1. A workout relieves stress you didn't even know you had and helps your body get rid of excess toxins.
2. Eating better means the difference in a good day and a bad day for you body.
3. Being active is a great way to prevent health problems from accelerating. It's not always about weight loss! Your heart and lungs will benefit from exercise just like any other muscle of the body.
So for all of you out there who struggle (like me) to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, consider these tips!
1. Don't diss yoga!
They say that a workout in the morning will jump start your day. If you are like me, it's almost impossible to roll out of bed and hop on a treadmill or grab some weights. Try a relaxing exercise that will gradually wake your muscles up. Yoga is basically just stretching that focuses on controlled breathing, balance and strength (and it's great because you can make it as easy or as hard as you like). Even if you can only bring yourself to do some shoulder rolls and toe touches, get that blood flowing! Personally, my stretching routine isn't complete until I work the stiffness out of every muscle group, working my way down from head to toe. This is something you can do right in your bedroom, before you even change out of your pajamas! Even just five minutes of this before your morning routine will have you feeling loose and energized! But yoga at pretty much any time of the day is a great way to relax your body and mind.
2. Multitasking is a life saver.
Sometimes this can get weird, but be as creative as your schedule allows. Work out while you do other things. Do some bicep curls or ballet leg lifts while you watch TV. Dance around the house while you clean. Take the stairs instead of the elevator (get creative with the stair climbs). Use your ridiculously heavy and expensive textbooks as free weights while you study. Take the dog for a walk and do some lunges here and there.
3. Competition is key.
Grab a buddy and challenge each other to be fit and healthy! You can even compete against yourself, but this tends to be less effective because it's easier to slack off. Set goals for yourself and a friend like meeting at the gym for a run every day or seeing who can eat the healthiest meals for a whole week. Going through this process not only keeps you accountable, but lets you know that you are not struggling alone!
Everyone's body is different, and we all have unique goals for ourselves. So find what works for you and stick with it! Be patient with yourself, result will come with time. And most importantly, make it fun for you!