To the woman who was assaulted by Brock Turner,
Like you, I am a twenty-something year old woman trying to figure out how the world works. Like you, I would have gone out with my sister knowing I only had a little time with her. Like you, I have been to frat parties. I have drank alcohol. I have drank too much without realizing how drunk I was getting. I have been separated from my friends. I have worn a cardigan and dress to a party. Just like you, I would have felt safe in that frat party. Eight sentences find eight similarities between us, but our stories are so different.
I wish society would start calling you a survivor, instead of Brock Turner's victim. You are strong and your spirit is unwavering. You are brave beyond belief. You started a conversation that needed to happen decades ago. You are the walking, breathing definition of survivor. Please never forget that. Brock Turner's choice to assault you does not define you. Survivor defines you.
Thank you for being the voice for countless women. We don't know your name, but we know your voice and it is so powerful. So powerful, that you have captivated the world. You letter breaks social barriers and sparks conversation. You absolutely are living proof that the pen is mightier than the sword. I have heard grown men, who were raised to believe that women should protect themselves by wearing long skirts and sipping water instead of liquor, say that they will use your words to teach their sons to respect women. I have seen women moved to tears by your letter, and I have had more conversations about sexual assault on my own campus than ever before. Believe me when I say, you are starting a movement. Thank you for changing the world.
I hope that your privacy is protected. I hope that the only people who know your name are the people you trust the most. I hope that you don't hear your peers talk about you and your story all the time. I hope that through all of the conversations surrounding January 17, 2015, you are able to maintain some sort of normalcy. I hope you get to meet your bicycle heroes. I hope you heal and find closure. I hope that you know just how important and appreciated you are. I hope you never forget that your suffering was not in vain. And most importantly, I hope you are aware of this great community of supportive women you have sparked to life. We don't know who you are or where you are, but we are here for you.
I don't know who you are, but I know your story. Like the rest of the world, I have read your incredibly powerful letter to Brock Turner and I am humbled by your way with words, your dignity, and your extreme bravery. You wrote a letter to Brock Turner, which turned in to a letter for the world. I hope if you ever read this letter, you know how moved I am by you, your story, and your letter. I hope you know that you have forever changed the world. And most importantly, I hope you know that I am on your side, and I am one in millions.
With all the love and support in the world,
A twenty-something woman who has been to frat parties, worn a cardigan, and drank too much.