Dear Ms. Impatient,
Good things come to those who wait...or so I'm told. I know that life can move at a slower pace than you'd like, and I also know that telling you to be patient isn't going to actually give you patience. Does that make you a bad person? Absolutely not. Whether it's waiting on life to take you in a different direction, waiting for that prayer to be answered, or maybe its the small stuff, it's all hard to wait for. Life doesn't seem to spit out exactly what we want it to at a certain time, but it's all for your benefit. I am the world's worst, so I know how you feel. You may feel very discouraged because everything isn't moving at your pace, or you may feel as if what you so long for may never reach you, but it will in due time. I promise you will eventually realize there was a reason you waited.
The hardest thing about patience is it seems like something you have to learn. It never seems to be something you wake up with one morning. I joke and say that God just forgot to add that one little piece in when he was making me. I know that isn't true; I'm just a naturally impatient person. You may be that way too, but maybe it isn't a bad thing. You have things worth looking forward to, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
The downfall to being impatient, though, is feeling like you are always waiting for a new day, and you may not be seizing the moment you're in. It's so easy to look into the future, and it's easy to just let days pass without really living in them. Make sure you are present in the day to day drag of life because one day you will wake up and ten years will have passed you by. My hope for you is that you remember those days that never seemed to end and those days that brought you to where you are in your life right now.
I was told jokingly by another person once to never pray for patience because God will put you in a situation that requires enormous amounts of patience. I do find that to be true, but I still pray anyway. I find it's the hardest to have patience with God because I want to know exactly what he wants me do to, but he seems to bring me to an immediate stop and show me that waiting pays off. He will do just the same for you, too.
I know it's hard, but you will eventually learn patience. You will see the joys in waiting, but it may not be tomorrow. Just take it one step at a time, and learn to breathe through the moments when the world seems to stop spinning. If you find yourself being impatient, just take a step back and look around you. Look at all of the great things that are happening in that moment, and be thankful you're alive and well to witness it. What ever you may be waiting on will eventually come, and it will be worth the wait.
You can do this, I totally believe in you.