Universities have this kind of annoying thing they like to do. They make their students take a series of classes that are not in accordance with their major, otherwise known as general education classes. As a topic I feel strongly about, I have chosen to write a letter to the person who thought general education classes were a good idea.
To Whom It May Concern:
Statistics, philosophy, English, anthropology, plant biology, economics, art, sociology, political science and algebra are just a few of the classes on the list of “gen eds” that are common among my fellow college colleagues. Wasting two years taking classes that have nothing to do with our majors doesn't prepare us for internships, jobs or interviews. I thought that’s what we went to high school for, but apparently it’s necessary to take additional classes that have nothing to do with our future careers.
For the most part, general education classes are a waste of time and money. Why should students come to college, a place where they come to prepare for their careers, and have to take mindless classes that may or may not affect their grade point average in a negative way? By junior and senior year, students should feel proficient in the skills relating to their major and be confident enough with those skills in internship interviews.
Students should not have to spend the first two years paying for classes they have no interest in. I understand prerequisites and taking classes that will help us with real life issues like paying taxes, mortgages, how to earn credit and classes of the like. I do not, however, understand taking classes just for the sake of teaching us concepts and vocabulary to memorize for exams. Filling definitions in our heads to ace an exam and forgetting them the next day is not the most efficient way to take a class. Topics that actually will fulfill us in some way are found in courses that pertain to our long-term career goals.
So I say to you, the supporter of “gen ed” classes for universities all over the world…why? Why do you feel that these classes are necessary? Do you think they will make us well-rounded human beings? Do you think they will fill us with the knowledge to be a thriving intellect?
Well I believe that there are much more efficient ways to do so. How about having us take classes in our major first, then taking classes that cover broader topics? How about any other option that does not force us to waste money most of us don’t have? I say to you, please reconsider the idea you thought was so splendid in the beginning. I speak for all of us when I say, we don’t like the idea of wasting our money, our time, and our brain energy.
An angry college student