"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
- Dr. seuss
This is the first day of the rest of your life. Today is the day when you wander to a closed door and you discover that there is another door that just opened up for you. A new opportunity came for you, and I know that you're ready for this. Please know that this is not the end, it's just the beginning of something wonderful that is about to happen to you.
This is a new chapter of your life story that is getting ready to unfold right in front of your eyes. This is your chance to do what you've been dreaming to do for so long. When you walk across that stage to retrieve that diploma or degree that you've worked so hard to get. You won't forget the people who helped you get you there.
Not only did you work hard to get where you are today, but many others around you had helped you and supported you through your journey to help you find what you're looking for.
Whether you decide to continue your education or to walk through the doors of the workforce. You learn something new every day. Your parents teach you new things every day whether you notice it or not. Your teachers or professors teach you something that probably never knew before. Your boss or your co-workers teach you something that you probably never thought about doing before. Whether you want to or not, you learn something new every day.
I encourage you to better your education. Because education is key to find a great job that you want or dream to do in the future.
So on this day of your graduation, whether you are a high school student who just graduated and received your diploma or a college student who just graduated and received your degree. Please, take a moment to thank everyone who has helped you along the way to get you where you are today. You didn't get here by yourself, you had help from your friends, your family, and your loved ones.
I want to be the one to congratulate you. Because I know that you can and I knew that you would. So, here's congrats to a wonderful graduate, because you made it. You believed that you could and so you did.
- Someone who has been in your shoes.