Dear Valentine,
Every day is Valentine's Day when I am with you.
You make me feel special and loved every day of the year. You make sure to tell me you love me a million times a day. There isn't a day that goes by that you don't tell me how beautiful you think I am.
Valentine, you are my sun on a cloudy day. When I am down, you are always there to lift me up. You try your best to take care of me when I am sick.
When something happens, good or bad, in my life you are the first person I run to. I trust you with all of my secrets.
Valentine, to me, you are a great person. One of the best people I have ever met. You are the reason there are nice things in the world. You give me hope for the future.
You are amazing, Valentine. I just can't find the words to explain how you make me feel.
When I look at you, Valentine, my heart skips a beat. It seems like the world stops and it is just you and me. I get weak in the knees.
I don't ask for anything, but you give me the sun, the moon and all the stars.
I am so blessed to have found someone like you. Having you in my life is like being the winner of the lottery. There is no one else I would rather be with, because there is no one that could love me better than you do.
I have searched this entire world for happiness and found that it lies within you. No one makes me happier than you do.
I don't have to play the game "he loves me, he loves me not," because I know that you do, Valentine. You love me through all of my mistakes and imperfections. You laugh at all of my stupid jokes, and you never say they are terrible. You let me believe I am the funniest person you have ever met.
You let me take pictures of you anytime I want, and you never fight me to delete them. You make me food when I haven't eaten and take me to play with puppies when I am sad. You watch all of my favorite movies without complaining about how I quote every line. You never fight me over what to watch. Instead, we fight about how I watched five seasons of the show on Netflix we were supposed to watch together.
I know you love me because of the way you look at me. You never made me question the love you had for me.
I have been lucky enough to spend pretty much every important holiday with you, Valentine, and I am lucky to be able to celebrate this Valentine's Day with you.
Thank you for being always patient, always kind and always loving. Know that I never take a moment with you for granted.
I love you with every atom of my being.
Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet.