First off, I would like to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not responding, or responding in a one worded, clearly disinterested tone. I'm sorry for being inattentive, I really do care.
It's not that I'm ignoring you or any of the sorts, though I know it must seem like that. I really do value your friendship and attempts of talking to me. I thank you a lot for taking the time out of your day to sit down, think of me, and send me a text. It really makes me feel valued.
As for not responding, again I'm sorry. I could sit here and type up a million reasons why I don't respond in a timely manner, but they would all seem like excuses. The most I can do wholeheartedly is apologize. I really do mean to respond and hold a conversation, but I become distracted. Distracted by work, by school, or I simply zone out. Life gets ahold of me and by the time that I process I didn't respond, it's way too late to respond. So it really is like I grab my phone, text someone, and throw it across the room. (See, sounds like an excuse).
Beyond that, there's also times I get caught up in my head. I end up isolating myself from everyone and the simple idea of talking to someone tosses me in a loop and I freak out. For that, I am sorry again. It's not that I don't want to talk to you, I promise. I just can't push myself to do it.
At the end of the day, I would like to reiterate that I sincerely am sorry for being the worst texter in the world. I'm working on improving my texting skills, so please work me with. Also, again, thank you for dealing with my horrible texting and I do appreciate it.
Your friend,