The dreaded question, “What major are you?” is probably the most asked at the Thanksgiving dinner table right after “So do you have a boyfriend, yet?" If only there was a way to avoid all aspects of these eye-rolling and extremely aggravating questions. Why does my second cousin’s boyfriend older sister care what major I am? Is me being undecided affecting their life in any way, shape, or form? That would be a no, she can sleep fine at night with me being undecided, so please stop asking.
It’s absurd that I am supposed to pick a field of study at the age of 17 before I am even accepted to college. Entering undecided gives you the option to pick anything. Taking a range of classes (advice that is given very frequently that may work for some) is the only way to truly find out what interests you.
Take it from me; I did a series of tests to find a field of study I was most interested in. And after getting my results, I was told to be a firefighter. (I am now a communications major, so you can see how accurate they were.) But seriously, tests don’t always work, so don’t rely them. Explore college and experience new things so you can focus on what you like and hate. (I would say love but loving something academic doesn’t exist.)
Being undecided can become extremely stressful at times. You never know what classes to take next semester, and your schedule never makes sense because you’re taking an extreme range of classes. And yes, you may declare every major at least once, but don’t stress. You never have a set path and that can be the most frustrating thing for organized and scheduling loving students like myself. You will get through it. It’s OK to stress cry five times a week and call your mom every single time.
For every student, advisor, parent, relative, or even bystander walking down the street that wants to question you on being undecided, ignore them. Ignore the “OMG, that’s OK. You’re only a freshman” or “You definitely have time left to figure it out.” (Well, not really, if I want to graduate on time.) Your major is your decision and no one else’s; so don’t listen to anyone but yourself.