**Disclaimer- this does not apply to every truck driver. For all of you who abide by traffic laws, keep doin' yo thang**
Dear confused truck driver,
Hello! I'm that small sedan behind you, that you probably can't see in your mirrors anyway. I just wanted to leave you some friendly words of advice.
In case you're unaware, people are trying to get to work, and the usual traffic laws state "stay right, pass left." If you haven't noticed, I've spent the past 10 minutes trying to pass you, but I can't seem to do that since you're already in the left lane, and every other car on the road is trying to pass you as well.
I get it. You're tired; you've been driving all day. The roads have made you weary and you probably didn't notice the 50 "Trucks Right Lane Only" signs you've passed on your drive today (probably because they're posted along the right lane. Maybe you'd see them if you were in the right lane). But I can assure you that the last thing I'm ever going to want to do after today's drive is buy the Herr's chips your truck is advertising, or even more so, call the number on the back of your truck to compliment your driving. "How's my driving?" Pretty freaking sh*tty.
My frustration has left me to accelerate my car, knowing full well I won't be getting any farther, leaving me inches from your bumper yelling over the Adele song on the radio waiting until I can flip you the bird when I finally get the chance to pass you. (Just kidding, I'd be too nervous to piss you off... but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it.)
Not to mention, your truck most likely doesn't have the capability to push 75-80, and everyone around you is just waiting for you to move so they can continue their drive in peace. The least you can do for disturbing our much needed traffic flow is to move the hell over when you see a mile long backup behind you.
And don't get me started on your attempts to pass the other MAC truck to your right. That's just wrong. I don't think we can mentally handle the road blocked by not just 1 over sized hunk of metal, but now we get to pick which truck we tailgate all the way to our exit. Yay.
So do us all a favor, and stay in your lane. Literally. The right lane is pretty much your lane.
P.S.- A little shout out to all of you construction truck drivers. I wish I could say that tarp covering the back of your truck really does a lot to keep the rocks from hitting my windshield. But instead, I may not only waste minutes of my life coasting behind you, but also might waste hundreds of dollars to fix the huge crack in my windshield from your stones piercing the glass at 75 miles per hour. Really, thank you. Because I didn't have enough things to blow my limited income on.