Dear Freshman Self,
Welcome to college. The next four years will be filled with many memories, laughs, friendships, all-nighters, and adventures. You have finally reached that point in your life where you are starting to take the first steps towards a bright and successful future. Don't be scared, because you are here for a reason. One day, you will be impacting lives and making a difference in the world.
Looking around, I know there are so many unfamiliar faces, but you will soon learn that those are the faces of your best friends and your best enemies. During your time in college, you will make so many new friendships. Some will come and go, while others will stick around.
Know that not every friendship is meant to last. There will be people in your life who will serve their purpose temporarily, and then it will be time for someone else to take their place. Learn from those friendships and appreciate them. Don't get discouraged; just know someone else will walk into your life. It will be the best thing that has happened to you.
Don't take this time for granted. PLEASE. It goes by too fast to get caught up in the drama. NO boy, NO test, and NO night out is worth it. Pick your battles wisely. I promise you won't want to waste your time on the ones that are not worth fighting for.
Yes, you will fail. College is hard, and no one said it was going to be easy. Know that a failed assignment or test is OK. No one is expecting you to be perfect. This stage in your life is a learning process. If you don't fail, you aren't learning anything in your four years here.
Take those experiences and strive to be better. You ARE better. Don't let anyone tell you differently. You will make it to senior year. Yes, you will doubt yourself time and again, but you will walk across that stage at graduation.
Don't stress about your life after college; be present in the moment... ALL of the moments. This time is so delicate. Continue to get involved. Pour yourself into any and all activities and clubs you are in.
You will be a leader one day! You always have been, but you will truly serve as a leader to your peers. High school was one thing, but college is the true test of your role as a leader.
I am so proud of you.
Finally, don't lose yourself. Continue to stay true to yourself. Yes, you will change. Yes, you will grow. But you are still YOU. A strong, beautiful, smart girl. Don't lose sight of that. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You are perfect the way you are.
Sometimes you may stray off the right path, but don't worry; you will find your way back. Once you meet your people, keep them close. Cherish them. You will need them more than you know. They will be your go-to, and they'll be by your side through the good and the bad.
Work hard. Play harder.
Can't wait to see you senior year!