Dear Childhood,
Sometimes, I truly miss you. I miss the simplicity of you, only having to worry about the basics of what was right and what was wrong.
I never cared when I would wear oversized hand-me-down clothes, or that I wore the same clothes over and over again because I had my favorites and my closet was limited. Perhaps that's why, to this day, I thoroughly enjoy sweats and baggy t-shirts. Though, now I only wear my favorite shirts on occasion, as not to ruin them.
I remember when I could be friends with boys and girls and not be judged about it. I remember not caring if I were judged. I tell myself now not to care, but there is always a part of me that always will, even though it makes no sense to.
Remember when all I had to worry about was if it was dad's weekend or not? Yeah, those were the days. Now I have to worry about classes and work and extracurriculars and bills, while still finding time to visit dad and mom. And I still have to find time for date night with my fiancé every once and a while. It's a crazy life, but it's a good one.
I remember not realizing some of the stuff going on, and I didn't know how to stand up for myself. But I can't blame you, I was a kid. I wasn't supposed to know any better. But now I do...well, for the most part anyway. And I learned from the mistakes that I went through with you.
Overall, childhood, you were pretty fun while I went through you. Sometimes, I wish we would have gone a different route, but I still appreciate you nonetheless. Thank you for the fun memories I can look back on from time-to-time.