There is no good way to begin this, so let me just start by saying: writer’s block sucks. It is an especially annoying affliction when one has deadlines or due dates to meet. Now, I’m not entirely sure if it is possible to write an open letter addressed to a condition, but since writer’s block has been so kind as to visit me for the past few weeks, I decided to return the favor.
Writer’s block, you are the reason I could not enjoy my weekend. You selfishly invaded my mind, displacing all and any creativity that previously resided in the right hemisphere of my brain. You snuck your way into my life and obstructed all my attempts to begin my weekly Odyssey articles. You made me isolate myself and made me believe that isolation was equal to focus. You caused me to question every topic idea that crossed my mind and delete at least three potential article drafts. You led me to consider quitting.
Thank you.
Admittedly, the hours I wasted racking my brain for a good idea were frustrating. The self-doubt that built up inside of me made me question everything. Writer’s block, you made me forget why I started writing for the Odyssey, but you also helped me remember. Because of you, I reached out to my editor for support, and she reminded me that this platform provides me with a break from worrying about school or work. I joined Odyssey to hand myself a voice that others kept from me, a voice that you tried to keep away from me. I began writing to empower myself and to take time every week to reach out. I didn’t join this platform in order to surrender when I fail to find the right words.
Sylvia Plath wrote, “Everything in life is writable about if you have the ongoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
By pushing me down, you have handed me an opportunity to get back up again. After all, progress can’t be made without a cause, and victories can’t be had without a fight. Because of you, writer’s block, I have been forced to forgo the idleness of summer vacation and be more observant in hopes of running into a relevant topic. You pushed me to ask myself whether I was writing what I had to say or what others wanted me to say. You gave me self-doubt and made me pull myself out from the hole you pushed me into in order to rediscover my voice.
Writer’s block, you challenged me, you infuriated me, and you forced me out of my comfort zone. I may be grateful now, but should you decide to return, remember that I will not go down without a fight.