I have heard it all and I continue to hear it.
"You buy your friends."
"We know what you are known for."
"Are you sure you aren't a ___?"
These are just a number of things I hear on a daily basis.
Sometimes I wonder why you think these things. Do you interact or talk with us? If not, then you truly don't know who we are. You may think you do, but I can promise you that you don't.
Every sorority is different. Every girl in a sorority is different. There isn't a "typical" sorority girl. Each one of us is unique in our own way, and we wouldn't change a thing. We may wear Greek letters, but we are just like you. The letter I wear doesn't allow you to stick me in a stereotype that isn't true.
The letters that I get to wear make me better than I have ever been.
The support I have been given isn't like any other. They let me be the real me. They help me study and do better in school. They help me know when I am not the best that I can be.
Some sorority stereotypes are inevitable, like big and little. I would not trade my big for the world. I don't have a little yet, but I know I will love her without a shadow of a doubt.
Being in a sorority is more than big-little, swaps and date parties. Being in a sorority means that I get to help others with our philanthropy, get involved in community service, and uplift the women in the sorority.
What you don't know is before I joined my sorority I was somewhat shy and wasn't involved in much. Before, my resume was empty. Now it's full of leadership positions and community service hours. I currently help with recruitment and attend every philanthropy event we put on. Previously, I wasn't accepted very often. Now I am welcomed lovingly.
What's so wrong about all of this? I can give you the answer to that, nothing!
Being with this fantastic group of girls is something I would never trade.
So, just because you see the letters on my chest and you think it makes me one thing. It doesn't. There are so many things that trump your stereotypes.