The biggest lesson I've learned the past year is that not everyone is going to like you, no matter what you do there will always be someone who disapproves and looks down on you for you just being yourself and trying to live your life.
I used to be the girl who worried about everyone's opinions of me and tried to be friends with everyone. I'd change my personality based on who I was hanging out with at the time and the person I really was got buried under this fake persona. This lead people to see me as someone I wasn't and gave off a fake vibe, and thats not something I was ever happy about.
It took a lot for me to get to the point of where I am today. The point where I truly do not care what you have to say about me because I am living my life the best way I know how by making myself happy and thats all that matters. What people say still gets under my skin but I don't let the judgement have such an impact on me anymore. I am a lot stronger now and am learning to stand on my own without fake friends to lean on as crutches throughout my life. I do not need to change or adapt my personality for anyone. I know I can be loud and overly emotional sometimes, but I'm also the most caring and loving friend a person can have. I refuse to let people walk all over me anymore and use me for what they want and throw me away when they're done, because you should never treat another human being that way.
I don't care if you don't like me for what I have to say because of my beliefs or strong liberal voice. Or because I called you out on something you did. Unfriend me. Unfollow me. Do whatever you need to do. But do not continue to pretend to be my friend to my face and talk about me behind my back. Things have a way of coming full circle, and I will more than likely find out. If you're having issues with me and how I handle myself or my life, say it to me or keep it to yourself.
In order to be happy Ive learned to clean out all the negative energy that surrounds me.That negative energy includes all the people who don't like me. Chances are if you don't like me, I don't like you, so stop talking about me, subtweeting me, and trying to bring me down.
Your opinion may not be irrelevant to everyone, but it is to me and the people that truly matter in my life. This is my life to live however I want to live it and I'm going to move on with my life and live it how I see fit, and guess what, I don't need your approval.