Dear Mean Girls,
Most of us have had to deal with at least one of you throughout our lifetimes and honestly if you never dealt with a mean girl, I hate to break it to you but you probably ARE the mean girl. Your catty tactics and ability to turn even the simplest compliment into a backhanded slap are quite amazing but they're not a skill that anyone needs in their lives. That kind of negativity has no place in any respectable woman's life. But wait, did you get so mean? In elementary school, while most girls were playing on the playground you were sitting in the grass gossiping with your fellow mean girls about things that shouldn't matter when you're 11. When we were in middle school you started rude rumors about people wetting beds and eating boogers, and in high school, you made stories up about people being virgins, or even worse, whores. You made other people's lives terrible and you relished in it.
But as we moved on to college people said the meanness would stop, no one cares about status in college, everyone's cool. People grow up and they just stop being so nasty. But boy were those people wrong. Some of the meanest people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting have been in college. It's surprising but true, and some of these people have even been girls who I'm supposed to be closest with. They start rumors, they lie, they talk shit about everyone, even each other. They claim to be a squad but what kind of a squad openly berates each other one day then kisses each other on the cheek the next exclaiming how much they love each other? You act like a real life Regina George and I hate to break it to you but you're not Rachel McAdams, you aren't that important. Your friends aren't the plastics and no one really cares what you're doing, they praise you because they're afraid of you. Not because they actually like you, and if they do like you, honestly, they're just as delusional as you are.
The cycle of meanness needs to end. Your nasty nature is not cute or even funny, it reeks of immaturity and it won't get you very far in life. Everyone needs to find a positive mindset and stick to it. If you don't like what another girl is doing take a little bit of advice from Amy Poehler and say, “Good for her and not for me.” That's all it takes. No need to call someone weird, or skanky, or prude, or a bitch, just recognize that they're doing them and you're doing you. Girls need to stick together more than ever and form an unbreakable bond of sisterhood instead of tearing each other apart for making out with an ex-boyfriend or wearing capris to a party, and if we could just do that, the world could be a lot more positive place.