After being in a toxic relationship, it's easy to convince yourself that you never want to experience or be in a relationship again. The thing is...the toxic relationship you were in probably wasn't much of a relationship. It was more along the lines of a controlling dictatorship.
You may have been used to being put down constantly. Being told what to do, what to wear, who you could or couldn't hang out with, feeling insecure about everything. You were probably used to your friends and family telling you over and over again that this was not right. They were constantly seeing you sad. You may be laughing now reading this thinking, "Why would anyone ever let someone treat them like that?!"
Let me tell you, things go on in relationships that a lot of people do not share because they choose to leave it out, or they are embarrassed. When you're young, you have many false ideas of what "love" truly is.
Whether things ended badly or not with this person, just be thankful that it ended. Usually one day when you aren't expecting it, someone will walk into your life and make you believe in love again. Not only will this person make you unbelievably happy... they will show you what true love really is and what it's really supposed to feel like.
So I want to thank the man who showed me what true love really is and for setting the perfect example for me in loving me so much that I learned to love myself again.
Thank you for teaching me I don't need to be insecure...about anything.
You understood why I was the way I was when we first started dating. You asked me about my past so you could help me succeed the future. Thank you for talking to me when I felt unsure about something. You showed me how trustworthy and loyal a boyfriend should be. You have never not trusted me and have never been on my back about anything. You made me feel like I was just as beautiful with sweats and no make up on. Always telling me that I don't need that stuff, I'm beautiful just the way I am. Which leads me to my next thank you.
Thank you for loving me for my personality.
You didn't fall in love with me for my physical appearance. You never gave up on wanting to know me and how I'm wired. You made my real smile come back and I started crying less from bad times, and shed more tears from laughing too hard. My outgoing personality came back quickly and I felt on top of the world. You didn't fall in love with me because of how I looked, but because of the kind of person I was. You pushed me to always do what I enjoyed, without ever trying to hold me back. You knew my personality was big and you didn't waste your time trying to round out the edges.
Thank you for being my biggest supporter.
From being at my games when you could make it, pushing me to be better in class/school, and encouraging me to apply myself in as many ways as I could. You helped me relax when work got stressful. You helped me see the bigger picture in life and whatever I was going through at the time. You never stray me away from anything I'm interested in because you do not approve. It was always about both of us pushing each other to the best that we could be. They say that "you should love in such a way that the person you love feels free." Thank you for making me feel free. I fell in love with myself, with you, and with all the opportunity that there was in the world. By loving me, you made me believe in everything again.
Thank you for loving me when I wasn't very lovable.
Every relationship will always have its issues. Thank you for always working them out with me. You showed me that love means never giving up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about. I have always been a firm believer that love is a choice you have to make every day. Sometimes your partner isn't going to be very lovable. That's when they will probably need it the most. Thank you for choosing me day after day. It hasn't always been an easy journey, but we have rode it out together.
Thank you for showing me what true love really is.
You keep your promises when you make them. You give without expecting anything in return. You keep the smile on my face. You help me strive toward my goals and assure me that you're not going anywhere. Whether your relationship works out or not, you will always have this man to thank for teaching you how to love YOU again. You will also be able to thank him for showing you what true love is supposed to feel like. Not something that drains us, but something that makes us feel so full of life and happiness.
So with that being said, thank you to the man who saw something in me when I couldn't see it in myself at the time. Thank you for loving me through it. And thank you for showing me what love really is.