Before I start, I don't know why but for some reason I feel like I've known you for so much longer than what it's been so it's crazy to even think that we weren't whatever we were for that long.
You're the worst type of guy and I hope you know that. I know you weren't looking for anything serious but to lie and say that you were only talking to me really sucked. I wish you would've had the decency to really tell me the truth and that's what hurts the most.
I'm not saying goodbye because I hate you, because I don't. I'm saying goodbye because I know that I can't handle whatever this is anymore. I really liked you as a person for you showed me this really sweet side of you that appealed to my emotions. You were so goofy and easy to talk to and I really liked that I felt as though I could just tell you anything. I really do wish we started off just as friends and nothing more because I do really like you as a person, but you just don't know how to treat girls in other senses.
I think what hurts the most is that I not only have wasted so much time on you that could've been spent with people who actually care about me, but I just believed all the lies. What happened to you telling me you weren't actively looking for anyone else? How come even after we had the conversation about it, I still see that you're talking to other girls? Why couldn't you just tell me the truth, it would've hurt less. Why was I not enough for you?
You only want me for now, just to have someone to keep you warm at night. I need someone who wants me for more than the reasons why you want me to stay. You said you didn't want to lose me but you didn't try hard enough to keep me either, friend. I want someone who is a friend but a boyfriend at the same time. I don't want to just be "your friend" and I made that clear, yet you still made it clear you don't like the title "girlfriend." As if dating me would be the worst thing ever.
I wasn't asking for you to marry me after a month or anything crazy like that. I was just asking you to be exclusive with me, but you obviously couldn't even do that.
I don't know why I kept convincing myself that this could turn out to be more than what it was. I really wish I would've just listened to my friends when they said you and this situation was toxic for me.
I really do wish you the best life and future ahead and I hope to god you settle down because you're really too old to be playing these games with girls. It's time to grow up and I hope you can find someone great one day, but know that we could've been great too.
Time will heal me, this I know, but for now, I will miss you but I'm doing what's best for me and forgetting about you.