Dear Guy Who Treated Me Like Crap:
Now that I look back on the time we spent together, I am able to now see how unhealthy and time-consuming it truly was. Thankfully, now I realize, but back then everything seemed so normal. Looking back, I, for some reason, thought it was a great idea to let you control my life. Constantly, I would wait by the phone waiting for some kind of justification that you actually wanted to talk to me—and it rarely came. When we did talk, however, it was always on your terms, always.
Finally, I realized that I didn't need the justification I was looking for, because you are a very toxic person to be around.
To start off, we never worked together. I was always treated as less than you. Even not to me, you acted like you were better than everyone we knew, and that is never a good trait to have as a person. I never felt good enough for you, no matter how hard I tried. Even if you didn't directly tell me something, I could always tell by your texts, calls or facial expressions if you didn't like something I had said or did.
My friends constantly told me to stop trying to be what you wanted, but for some odd reason, I never listened to them. They were constantly telling me how I was so much better than what I was putting myself through on a daily basis. I kept telling them stuff like: "He's really not as bad as you think," "I'm making him sound worse than he is," "He's a lot different around me" and the worse of them all, "I'm just saying this stuff because I'm mad at him." Now, I realize that I was just saying that to try and convince them on something that wasn't true. You were a horrible person to me and still are.
Thankfully, this experience with you helped me grow tremendously. I can now identify aspects of a toxic relationship before it begins. I now know the signs of mental and emotional abuse and can now shield myself before I get hurt the way I did with you. I also now realize that I deserve so much more respect than you are able to produce toward anyone. I deserve to be able to talk to the guy I'm with about anything and expect that I will not be judged or ridiculed if they don't 100 percent agree with my choices in life.
Lastly, I guess I want to thank you for treating me like crap. Who knows, I may not have learned so much about relationships or people in general. I grew so much through the experiences with you, and honestly, I'm stronger now than I ever have been. I'm genuinely happy in life right now and look back on our experience as something I can use to make sure it never happens to me again.