It’s because of you that I shy away from nice guys.
It’s because of you that I don’t expect a man to do polite things such as open doors for me, and because of you, I don’t know what it means to be appreciated in the way that I should.
It’s because of you that I push all compliments and sincerity away.
And it’s because of you that I constantly apologize for the simplest things. Ever since you, “sorry” has become one of the most prominent words in my vocabulary.
It shouldn’t be this way, though it is, because of you.
You broke me and gave me a bad taste of love that comes back to me every now and then. It was you who gave me no want to further a relationship with any guy that has walked into my life.
It is because of you that I felt broke and unworthy for any relationship other than the one we had.
You treated me poorly and abused the love I gave to you, but it’s because of you I realized that I deserve more.
I realized that I do not need you and that I never did.
I realized that it you who was the problem, and not I.
I realized that you need help. You’re not a bad guy just a guy with a bad temper.
What’s more is I realized that after all this time I am worthy of a relationship.
Now it’s clear to me that you were simply a lesson to be learned. You taught me that I deserve more than what you could give. I learned that respect and patience are key elements to a healthy relationship.
I don’t hate you, I simply just don’t love you anymore. After all that you’ve done, I would like to thank you for making me realize that I needed something more.
And ever since I’ve found that “something more,” it is because of him that I know what it is like to be appreciated.
Best wishes,