Dear Future Me,
It's me. You. No, me. It's us. This might get confusing.
I always cringe at these types of letters. Well, let's face it, they are pretty cringe. Writing a letter to your 'future' self, a letter that there is only a 50/50 chance that you read it in the future and think your past 'you' had some really good gems of wisdom to bestow. Chances are you, future 'me' is probably out of touch, and is probably past the age where these types of things are cute and endearing.
With that being said, here goes a well-crafted cringe fest: Dear Future me,
I don't really know what to say, except it's me, you, us, whatever. It's The College brand value of your life. It's the third week of sitting, studying and generally being the best anti-social version of us I can possibly be. I was sitting, wondering and then I came to the sudden realization that the semester is going too fast. It feels like I've been here for a while now and I can't quite believe how much homework, essays and quizzes I've gone through in such a small amount of time. I started to think, pretty soon I'll be in Grad school doing one thing or the other, then the real world. Time flies. I wondered, in exactly 20 years time, where will I be? Actually, if I'm truly honest, I was stressing over how much work I'm being bombarded with (who knew you had to work hard in University, apparently the application process is not work enough, now you actually have to get your degree you numpty!) I had a mini-freak out session, then I went over our usual pep talk, you know, the ones along the lines of 'I'm going to be rich one day so algebra doesn't even matter."
I can't really imagine what my life will be like in 20 years time. Believe me, I try. There are plenty of scenarios I've conjured up of where I will be this time in 20 years and who I will be. For someone who can be at times quite the cynic, they are surprisingly extremely optimistic. I believe in my dreams and hopes for the future, if I didn't I probably wouldn't crawl out of bed each morning. Future me, I really hope our life is great and the whole hitting rock bottom and having to forcefully get up again shtick was worth it. I hope it is everything we planned it to be. I really really hope that we are living in that multi-million dollar mansion sipping Moscato by the pool as we watch our Idris Elba hybrid husband garden or whatever it is that rich people do. Please tell me, that this is our life; otherwise, all that late night studying and stressing would have been for nothing and that would royally suck. I hope we spent our College years partying every weekend, whilst managing to pull off the feat of maintaining a 4.0 GPA. The partying thing seems unlikely, however; it's the 3rd week and you've spent the past weekend holing up in your room, so maybe not partying, but those grades, that GPA is crucial.
I have high hopes for us, so don't let this young-optimistic-stars-in-her-eyes-young-girl down (no pressure!) I hope you followed YOUR dreams and the perseverance paid of. Remember: even if nobody believes in your dreams it doesn't matter, the fact that you believe in them is the important thing. Actually, the most important thing, above all else is that we spent our twenties traveling the world, and are now delightfully cultured french snobs, whose sole mission after making our billions is striving for world peace. We are the 2036 black Bill Gates.
Dear Future Me, I hope in twenty years time we are happy, satisfied, but never complacent. So far we have spent the first couple years of our lives making plans, and being dreamers, but I hope we became doers. I hope our dreams came to fruition and we are looking back at all the marvelous things we planned to achieve and somehow did.
Dear Future Me, rock on!