Dear friend,
It is only a matter of time before something bad in any friendship occurs. At a point, this happened in ours and I was almost positive we would never speak again. And I was almost right. For a couple months, we didn't and I thought that missing you wouldn't continue forever; there would come a point where I accepted our friendship was over. Obviously it's impossible to truly be OK with not even having closure after fighting with you and then just ending things so abruptly. And after all, that, if I could only regret one thing, it would be not realizing that sooner.
It's hard to forgive when you are unsure if the same thing will happen again. It's natural for us to try and protect ourselves from being hurt and you took that chance on me. For you to forgive me meant you left yourself vulnerable. I know that's not an easy thing to do, especially for you.
You took a chance on our friendship, part two, and I hope you think it was the right decision because I do. I guess forgiveness comes in time when you know someone has changed for the better. I thank you for being the friend that forgave me. It's nice to know that we have a friendship worth fighting for and if anything I feel like it has made our friendship stronger.
You would be missed indefinitely if you were not in my life and I would have to learn to live without you in it. But I'm happy that I don't have to worry about that. You are the friend who forgave me for all the stupid words I uttered in anger and dumb things I did in a state of stupidity. I will forever be appreciative of your ability to understand. Thank you for forgiving me.
The friend who made a mistake