The day I got my acceptance letter, you were the first one to know. I remember getting the email and logging onto my student account to find the first line that held my academic fate: to get into Scranton or to keep looking at colleges, something that was somewhat tricky to do so late into the "acceptance letter" season--I was running out of time. So, when I read "Congratulations!", you were the first person I sent the picture to.
It's been almost three years that I met you and have been able to call you one of my best friends--one of the people I trust the most. We've come a long way in that time. From secrets, meeting each other, all of our concert adventures, boyfriends, friends, trips and the biggest journey: college.
Going to college with someone you hold so close is slightly scary, because you're really afraid of losing that part of your friendship, the 'close' aspect, but at the same time, you're really free to do whatever you wanted. Even on campus, I saw you more often than I did, texted you whenever I could and we made it work. We were still close, still friends and still managed to have lives outside of each other.
I'll miss that. Being able to text you and see you within five minutes of sending that message, the short walk down to your dorm and our occasional food dates. But you need to be happy, even if it means not going to school together, the one thing that I never thought was possible.
Next semester, even if you feel negatively towards this place that was your home for a few months, think of me, of how I'm still here and you're welcome anytime to crash on my floor whenever you want to visit. There were some happy times you've had here and I want you to remember them--not just the negative ones.
I hope you are happier wherever you end up. I saw it--you weren't yourself towards the end of the semester; your bubbly, happy, goofy self that you are when we're together. That's what you deserve: a school that makes you feel confident about the occupation you're heading into and ultimately makes you happy about your decision.
We'll be a couple hours away, but I'm always just a text, phone call or FaceTime away. You'll always be someone I can turn to and one of my best friends. Changing your school doesn't change that.
I'll miss you so much, but I'm happy you're standing up for yourself and making the decision to be happier, to know what makes you happy. I love you lots and am so proud of you. The U and I will miss you so much and campus will never be the same without you.