Open Letter to the College Kid Who Wants a Puppy | The Odyssey Online
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Open Letter to the College Kid Who Wants a Puppy

College is stressful and puppies are cute, too bad the two do not mix well.

Open Letter to the College Kid Who Wants a Puppy

Dear College Kid,

I get it. It's the time in the semester where you are under an immense amount of pressure and stress is around every corner. You want to do nothing more than curl up with a puppy and relax for a day, maybe even a month. If you are like me, you are thinking about taking trip to the local animal shelter and picking out the cutest puppy for a forever companion.

I hate to tell you this but that is an absolutely horrible idea. As much as adopting that furry friend is tempting, you have to consider the quality of life you will be able to give them. We are at the point in our lives where we are barely able to take care of ourselves, let alone an animal that is dependent on you for everything.

You have to take into account the large amount of time and training a new pet takes and whether or not you can commit to such a huge responsibility. There are many questions you need to ask yourself before you decide to adopt: Do you live in a place that allows pets? Are you financially stable enough to support a pet? Do you have time in your schedule to take care of its needs? Are you ready to be solely responsible for taking care of a life other than your own?

If you answered no to any of these questions then ,unfortunately, you are not ready to take this leap into the world of sole pet ownership.

The sad fact of the matter is most dorms and apartments do not allow pets unless they are service animals. The only way to get around this is to sneak the animal in and if you get caught the consequences are extremely severe. You may love your new pet but it is not worth losing your housing arrangements or putting the poor animal out in the streets.

Let's face it. Many college kids are broke, living off of ramen noodles, and debating whether or not they should sell a kidney to pay for tuition. You can barely afford to buy everything you need let alone pay for all of the expenses that follow pets around. Pet food is expensive and medical care for a new pet can cause financial ruin. This does not even include the adoption fees or starter supplies you will need before you even take the pet home. If you get a puppy you will most likely have to get a job, if you do not already have one, in order to provide for its needs. This is a financially unstable time in your life and you do not need to add to the pressure by putting an animal into the mix.

No matter how many hours you are taking a semester, once you add homework, extracurriculars, jobs, and a social life on top, do you really have time to keep a pet's best interests at heart? Being a loving owner may beyour intention but new pets take a lot of time for training and they need attention. Puppies are a full-timejob and need to be treated as such if you want to be a reliable pet owner. There are only so many hours in a week and if you bring a pet into your life any free time will have to be dedicated to its needs. Now is the time for you to go out and experience your life not be stuck at home because you have a pet to look after.

In the end it boils down to responsibility. Are you ready to be solely accountable for another life. Getting a puppy is like having a baby while in college. You have to take care of its needs. The animal will be dependent on you for food, water, shelter, and so much more. College is probably your first experience completely on your own. Are you really ready to be a parent to this animal? Most likely not. I know the idea of anyone or anything's life being in my hands strikes terror in my heart.

There are many reasons to want a puppy: they are cute, they give you unconditional love, and they are good for the soul. At the same time, there are way more reasons not to get a puppy at this time in your life. Maybe get a fish instead. They are easy to take care of and only require minimal effort. Also, they do not cost a lot so you will not break the bank to make this perfect addition to any college dorm or apartment.

How about instead of taking this jump to get a puppy now, go to the nearest animal shelter and be a volunteer. That way you still get all of the love and affection from the animals without the responsibilities of pet ownership. Also, you will be helping out the animals who really need it. There are many ways to get your fill of playful puppies without committing to the burden of being a pet parent. Seek out these opportunities and that is how you'll make it through the end of the semester.

The truth is almost everyone loves dogs but, sadly, for us the timing is not right. Pets are part of the family and should be treated as such. This is why you need to be prepared before you bring them home from the shelter. College will go by in a flash so take the time to enjoy the experience because eventually being able to own a puppy without any hesitation will be worth the wait. I wish you the best and hope that one day you will find the perfect pup to take home for good.

Please keep all of this in mind, but in the end, it is your decision. Just remember you are this animal's whole life even if they are only a small part of yours.


Someone who just really wants a puppy too

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