Dear Connor,
I know you weren't too happy when I wrote Meaghan a letter and not you. So here is your letter. Let's just start with, I love you so much. Thank you for being here to talk to when I'm not in a good mood or keeping me motivated to workout. I also wanted to say, I'm proud of you and everything you have done. I know we have had our ups and downs when we were growing up, but I feel like now we are closer than we have ever been. It might be because we are both in college and barely see each other now, but I'm just happy we are close. You have changed so much in just one year, you have grew up a lot. I am so happy you have realized what you need in life and what makes you happy in life. I can't wait until you get your internship and achieve in everything you have been wanting to achieve in. I can't wait to watch you grow up even more than you have. Which I can, because I am younger than you. Let's just say, I can't wait until you are happy forever and I can help take care of your kids when you have them.
Let me rephrase the motivated part. Thank you for always keeping me motivated. Whenever I text or talk to you about working out, you always tell me to keep going. Whenever I eat the wrong thing or drink pop, you always have to make a comment. But that helps me stop doing what I was doing. Whenever I need a new workout or just something, you are always there to tell me what to do and what to change. I literally couldn't be more thankful for that and you. It helps keep me going and improving in my workout habits and my lifting habits.
I'm proud of you, let me say that again. I'm so very proud of you. I know you don't hear that often but I want you to know I am. When it comes to you improving in school or improving in basketball. I'm proud of who you have become. Lately you have changed and it was definitely for the best. When it comes to basketball, I know it is your life, just like lifting is. And I'm so proud of how much you have improved in both of those obstacles. I love watching you play because I can see how happy it makes you.
Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that I look up to you. It may not seem like it often, but I do. I look up to everything you do. I compare myself to what you use to do and why I can't do what you did. I am so happy to be able to call you my brother. Because you are the reason I am who I am. And I wanted to thank you for that. Thank you for being my best friend and my brother. Even though you couldn't control being my brother. I'm so happy we have gotten so close lately and I love you.
Your little sister