Please understand us when we scream and shout, "Black Lives Matter!" As you would say, "All Lives Matter" and all lives do matter, but I really do feel a lot of people formulate their own opinions that block out the truth. It's not a secret that black people in America have it the worst when it comes to being treated fairly in this country, and no one can argue that fact. Can any Caucasian relate to being pulled over for driving an expensive car, without being considered a drug dealer? The other day, I watched a video on Facebook, where two African-American males were pulled over by a sheriff because they were in an expensive neighborhood, and that sheriff never saw them there before. That, my friend, is called racial-profiling. One of those males owned a $300,000 home, and because he was black, he "wasn't supposed to own that home." That way of thinking makes me sick!
Can any of you relate to being swarmed by six cops with back up on the way because your taillight just blew out, and they think you are a criminal, when you actually just got off of work, providing for your family? Now, you have six warning shots in your back because they say you were being belligerent, when those six cops had you pinned down already. Why is it different treatment when a black person kills a person, as opposed to when a white person kills a person? Murder is a horrible thing, and it happens, but the system for each race is different. How can someone massacre nine people in a peaceful church, and it takes almost a year to issue the death penalty, all the while being escorted, and saying he has mental issues? But, let a black person go on a killing spree like that, and he is going to be seen as dangerous to society will be killed on the scene. So, when we say "Black Lives Matter," we are saying we should be equal in the eyes of justice.
You cannot justify the murdering cops that have sworn to protect and serve. There is no justification or logic that can prove or help any of their cases, and if you try, you are just as big of a problem to society as they are. These cops that are sworn to protect and serve are removing fathers and mothers from their children. Please explain to me how, when you tell someone to grab their wallet, they end up with five bullet wounds, because you thought he was reaching for a gun, even when he has a daughter in the back seat. And, when you realize you messed up big time, the only thing you can do is curse. You won't help this injured man, but you keep your gun pointed at him like he is about to defy biology and kill you. Now, that poor baby is going to grow up without a father, because that cop was a trigger-happy person.
Can you tell me that you can relate to the struggles of a woman or man of black color, when the officer tells you, "You can put your hands down," and then they have their gun ready to fire at you? "Hands up don't shoot!"
If we cannot trust the men in blue for our safety, who do we go to? It will rain.
There'll be pain, but only for a little while. Trouble will come. Count it on joy, morning will come after the rain, The sun will shine. Keep your head high.