It isn't very often that we find ourselves thanking our teachers, simply because many feel that their teachers' role in their educational success and academic accomplishments does not necessarily lie in their hands. For those that do feel they play a vital part in our lives, this is for you.
Dear Teacher,
High school started off quite rocky and progressively became more chaotic as time went by. With each passing grade, my failure to rise to the occasion created a tremendous amount of stress, and from there I began slipping further into a sulk I never thought I had the ability to pull myself out of. Thanks to you, I somehow mustered the strength to persevere from deep within myself to stick it out through the rough patches. One of the most important things you taught me is that with all the bad days that come, there will be just as many good ones to follow. Life is a wild coaster that will never cease fluctuating, so I better hold on tight, cause I'm in for a bumpy ride.
Thank you for blessing my life with your knowledge and experience that not only provided joy when I needed it most but helped me succeed. Without all the lessons, the advice, the caring, and the endless amounts of help throughout the year, I truly do not think I would have made it to see the end of my senior year, let alone be waiting to receive my cap and gown to soon be walking across the field to accept my diploma at graduation. Teachers like you are certainly hard to come by and are definitely few and far in between. I promise the hours of time spent dedicated to perfecting your work in and out of school does not go unnoticed.
Thank you for instilling a confidence in me that I had always lacked. You took the time to give me honest feedback on my work, and continued to encourage me to fly further outside the box to experiment with my "talents," that at the time, I was unaware were even talents. Your unyielding optimism was a breath of fresh air, and only pushed me to want to try that much harder to not just satisfy, but exceed far beyond your expectations.